Every year the BEA delivers and 2018 in New York was pretty great, the only negative experience was the fact there was too much empty space meaning less vendors/publishing companies which was such a shame.
I've gotten used to a certain layout that was very appealing and at the same time expected by default which this year was underwhelming. Some companies simply were absent from the event for various reasons. One of the reason's being was the rental price of the booth compared to the turnout and the cost of marketing materials. I went around and asked in order to gauge the real atmosphere of digital media consequences on the publishing world. I understand that the print media is struggling in this crazy millennial digital age of tons of hipsters with ADHD but that is our reality and the love for books unfortunately has lessened for some.
In my opinion a digital copy of a book cannot replace a sturdy and physical copy of a freshly papered smelled book. The touch and the feel is what it is all about. The experience is not complete if one does not possess a physical copy of their literary treasure. I know books are Large, Heavy and some don't fit into our tiny purses but i feel like our cell phones or tablets nowadays are comparable to a size and weight of a book. Thus what are you doing by not carrying a book with you?
The book is neither a way to stand out and something to talk about because you are smart, educated and posh but it is loved and cherished because you are able to channel the story into your own personal life and enjoy it for what it is in its original glory.
Enjoy and do not be ashamed of it because some of your younger friends might not truly understand and respect the power and uniqueness of owning something you love in a non digital format.
This is the photographic journey of the isles of Jacob K. Javits in all it's glory for you to experience what i felt when i was there to gather all of the love in that large space. Enjoy!!!